Tuesday, December 3, 2019


The 2D view may also be used to create film sequences scrolling through the image stack. The software uses the numerous projections that are collected during a scan to reconstruct a three-dimensional volume including all material and geometric information. Starting with Version 2. Home Software Solutions Volume Graphics. Clipping and positioning of objects. With myVGL, you can view 3D objects, the analyses and measurements performed on these objects, and the results. The creation of coordinate measurement templates has been enhanced and accelerated by one-click CAD surface patches picking. vgstudio max viewer

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Once a ROI has been defined, analyses can be restricted to this area. For tasks such as reverse engineering, many users need to create a surface model. Clipping and positioning of objects. Opens existing metrology projects that have been saved as. Tools for a precise separation of individual components of a scanned assembly are available that are based on high accuracy image processing algorithms. ROIs can also vgstucio used to achieve perfect alignment of data sets either with each other or with a CAD model.

There provide statistical information on volume data average value, standard deviation, gray value histogramvolume content and surface area of objects or ROIs, but also information on the gray value and position of each individual voxel. The 2D view may also be used to create film sequences scrolling through the image stack.

Vgstudio max viewer

As before, CAD models may also be imported in. Data analysis and measuring functions. These animations may contain any number of objects and include flights around the object or through the object while analysis results and measurements are faded in or out. With the new evaluation options of VGStudio MAX, you can see at a glance whether your object evaluates to good or bad. Inspect-X 5 provides CT-quality inspectio. With myVGL, you can view 3D objects, the analyses and measurements performed on these objects, and the results.

The possibility to process macros veiwer batch mode and to create animations and surface models completes the functionalities of VGStudio MAX.

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Volume Graphics develops leading vgztudio for the analysis and visualization of industrial 3D computed tomography data. You can thus see a ta glance whether a part is within the tolerances of the respective analysis that you have run on it.

vgstudio max viewer

The term 'clipping' denotes the possibility to visually cut into a volume object in the 3D display area. Classification determines how volume data is displayed in 2D and 3D. During classification, an opacity value 3D or vieewr brightness value 2D and a color is assigned to each voxel, depending on its 'gray value'.

Volume Graphics

VGStudio MAX provides numerous features for the presentation of data and the documentation of results. A range of tools is available for segmentation; they are either gray-value based e.

The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 1.

With VGinLINE, you can automatically inspect parts with a recurring analysis pattern within the production process or in quality labs. The advanced surface determination feature included in the optional Coordinate Measurement Module allows high-precision STL models to be created from voxel data since the surface is defined not on the basis of an overall threshold value but determined locally on the entire object surface.

Alternatively, it is also possible to achieve a precise position by maax the parameters numerically. Any number of volume data sets and Vieaer models of any size can be visualized at the same time, limited only by the capacity of the hardware used.

Both approaches will help you to create stunning animations of your data with just a few clicks. If you need to follow thin structures, such as wires, within your object, they vtstudio usually not be clearly visible within a single slice.

vgstudio max viewer

A thick slab option combines consecutive slices into one 2D view. If an object has been scanned in sections, these may be assembled into one data set and exported as one. Any number of data sets may be loaded into the application at the same time, limited maxx by the hardware.


The smallest distinguishable element of a volume generated with a CT scanner is a voxel — the 3D-equivalent of vieser pixel. Industrial CT provides the basis for this, as CT scans reveal every aspect of a component. Segmentation divides volume data into different sections. You can define constraints for a single analysis, such as maximum diameter of a pore, and even combine them, e.

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